Esto es lo que sabemos de JOHN STEINBECK.
Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para JOHN STEINBECK
A North European country has been invaded. In one small town the people's initial confusion crystallizes into a silent, sullen anger that gradually undermines the conquerors until they too come to know what fear means. The Moon is Down had extraordinary impact as Allied propaganda in Nazi-occupied Europe. Despite Axis attempts to suppress it (...
Joseph Wayne believes a magnificent tree on his farm embodies his father's spirit. His brother, scared by Joseph's pagan belief, kills the tree, bringing disease and famine on the farm. This mystical tale explores one man's attempt to control the forces of nature and to understand the ways of God.
»Ein Roman, der so dicht und dabei so schrecklich ist, daß man vor der unmenschlichen Dimension des steinbeckschen Werks erschaudert.« Stuttgarter Zeitung Verarmte Landarbeiter finden in Oklahoma kein Auskommen mehr. Da hören sie vom gelobten Land Kalifornien und machen sich durch Hitze und Staub auf den Weg. Doch auch hier erfahren sie die Ma...
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