Esto es lo que sabemos de KHALIL GIBRAN.
Estos son los libros que hay en nuestra base de datos para KHALIL GIBRAN
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You ask me how I became a madman. It happened thus: One day, long before many gods were born, I woke from a deep sleep and found all my masks were stolen,-the seven masks I have fashioned an worn in seven lives,-I ran maskless through the crowded streets shouting, ""Thieves, thieves, the cursed thieves."" Men and women laughed at me and some ran...
Junto con El Profeta, El Vagabundo es la obra más conocida del gran poeta libanés que fuera Khalil Gibran. Rebosante de sabiduría y de belleza, este librito consigue, como ocurría con El Profeta, llegar directamente al corazón de sus lectores. Pero no se trata de un vagabundo vulgar, sino de un vagabundo que camina encima de los hombres; porque ...
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The Khalil Gibran Collection Volume I include three of Gibran's famous works. Included are:The WandererThe Madman His Parables and Poems The ForerunnerKhalil Gibran was a Lebanese-American artist, poet, and writer. As a young man he emigrated with his family to the United States where he studied art and began his literary career. His Romantic st...
Tapa dura. Nuevo. 159 pg. Colección Cultura. Tres obras fundamentales para entender la filosofía del autor libanés. Espiritualidad. Literatura extranjera.
130 pp. 12 x 18,5 cm.
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