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  • Portada de CITY OF GLASS


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Nominated for an Edgar Award for Best Mystery of the Year, City of Glass inaugurates an intriguing New York Trilogy of novels that The Washington Post Book World has classified as "post-existentialist private eye...It's as if Kafka has gotten hooked on the gumshoe game and penned his own ever-spiraling version." As a result of a strange phone call in the middle of the night, Quinn, a writer of detective stories, becomes enmeshed in a case more puzzling than any he might have written. Written with hallucinatory clarity, City of Glass combines dark humor with Hitchcock-like suspense.

    Idioma: CASTELLANO

  • In the expert hands of David Mazzuchelli (Batman), Paul Karasik (Raw) and Art Spiegelman (Maus), Auster's spin on the detective story has been given a unique and unexpected new life.

    When a stranger calls on Daniel Quinn's phone asking to speak to Paul Auster (supposedly a detective), Quinn claims to be Auster and soon is drawn into a case involving a man who fears his father is trying to kill him. 'An impressive if not major work,' PW concluded.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Quinn writes mysteries. The Washington Post has described him as a “post-existentialist private eye.” An unknown voice on the telephone is now begging for his help, drawing him into a world and a mystery far stranger than any he ever created in print. Adapted by Paul Karasik and David Mazzucchelli, with graphics...

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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