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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Paul Auster gathers his autobiographical writings and his criticism in this hefty volume. Ranging from his brilliant early work THE INVENTION OF SOLITUDE to a discussion of the fiction of Knut Hamsun, Auster's writing is interesting both in itself and as an adjunct to his fiction, illuminating his plots, his hangups, and his major themes.

    An essential collection from one of the finest thinkers and stylists in contemporary letters.

    The celebrated author of The New York Trilogy, The Book of Illusions, and Oracle Night presents here a highly personal collection of essays, prefaces, true stories, autobiographical writings, and collaborations with artists, as well as occasional pieces written for magazines and newspapers, including The Invention of Solitude his "breathtaking memoir." (Financial Times Magazine London)

    Ranging in subject from Sir Walter Raleigh to Kafka, Nathaniel Hawthorne to the high-wire artist Philippe Petit, conceptual artist Sophie Calle to Auster's own typewriter, the World Trade Center catastrophe to his beloved New York City itself, Collected Prose records the passions and insights of a writer who "will be remembered as one of the great writers of our time"

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • A collection of essays, prefaces and occasional pieces on many different topics.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • An updated edition with six new essays, including "An Evening at Shea" and "Remembering Beckett,"...

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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