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  • Portada de FOREST BORN


  • Portada de FOREST BORN


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    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Rin, Razo's little sister, is haunted by the forest she has always loved. When Razo invites her back to the city to be one of Queen Ani's waiting women, she happily accepts . . . only to end up on the adventure of her lifetime, following the queen, Enna and Dasha into the countryside in search of a fire-starting enemy that no one can see. As she learns more about the three women's magical talents, she finds her own strength comes from places both expected - the forest - and unexpected - the sound of her own voice.A brilliant addition to the Books of Bayern, this book is a treat for fans of this series, and stands alone for readers who might be discovering the joys of Shannon Hale's writing for the first time.

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR

  • Rin has always been a quiet, helpful girl, but a secret has been eating away at her, and the solace

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Rin is sure that something is wrong with her...something really bad. Something that is keeping...

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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