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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Windows 7 is the best release of Windows yet. It’s easier to use, more fun, and is a worthwhile jump from Windows XP and Windows Vista. Getting Started with Windows 7 is written for new and experienced computer users alike, to help them use Windows 7 AND have fun! This book:

    • Provides an easy-to-read style and tone without overwhelming technical jargon.
    • Walks through common and uncommon tasks with step-by-step procedures, including over 300 screen shots and figures.
    • Includes ExplainED, AdvancED, and LinkED tips for additional explanations, handy tips, and related information.
    • Explains how to protect yourself and your computer with User Accounts, Security, Backup and Recovery, and good practices.
    • Helps you move from earlier versions of Windows to Windows 7, by exploring the improved navigation and desktop, personalization features, and easy migration from an older computer using the Windows Easy Transfer.
    • Explains how to set up your own Home Network to share files, storage, printers, and Internet access between Windows 7, Windows XP, and Windows Vista computers. connect Windows 7 computers with each other using HomeGroup.

    If you’ve made the jump from Windows XP or Vista, or you are considering it, Getting Started with Windows 7 is your guide to success with Windows.

    What you’ll learn

    • Navigate and customize the Windows 7 user interface
    • Look after your computer and protect against dangerous software
    • Control access to Windows, your applications, and the Internet
    • Safeguard your personal files
    • Connect to a network to share folders and media content
    • Understand and fix problems
    Who this book is for

    Getting StartED with Windows 7 assumes no previous knowledge of Windows, so is perfect for those using Windows for the first time, or switching from another operating system. It also highlights all of the new features in Windows 7 for those upgrading from previous versions of Windows.

    Table of Contents

    1. Navigating Windows 7
    2. Managing User Accounts
    3. Working with Files and Folders
    4. Personalizing Windows 7
    5. Fixing Problems from A to Ctrl+Z
    6. Protecting Your Data
    7. Creating a Home Network
    8. Using Windows 7 Programs
    9. Safeguarding Your Computer
    10. Moving Files and Settings toYour Windows 7 Computer

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR



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