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  • Portada de HIGH FIDELITY


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    Idioma: INGLÉS

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    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Von seiner Freundin verlassen zu werden ist eigentlich gar nicht so schlecht

    - Rob jedenfalls liebt es, endlich wieder in seiner Wohnung zu rauchen

    und sich ungestraft Gedanken um den nächsten One-night-stand machen zu

    können. Kurz: Er genießt die Rückkehr ins Königreich der Singles. Doch

    die Freude ist nur von kurzer Dauer...

    Idioma: CASTELLANO

  • High Fidelity is Nick Hornby's hilarious and heart-breaking first novel bestseller Do you know your desert-island, all-time, top five most memorable split-ups? Rob does. He keeps a list, in fact. But Laura isn't on it - even though she's just become his latest ex. He's got his life back, you see. He can just do what he wants when he wants: like listen to whatever music he likes, look up the girls that are on his list, and generally behave as if Laura never mattered. But Rob finds he can't move on. He's stuck in a really deep groove - and it's called Laura. Soon, he's asking himself some big questions: about love, about life - and about why we choose to share ours with the people we do. A million-copy bestseller, and adapted into a 2000 film starring John Cusack, High Fidelity explores the world of break-ups, make-ups and what it is to be in love. This astutely observed and wickedly funny book will be enjoyed by readers of David Nicholls and William Boyd, and by generations of re...

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR

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    Idioma: INGLÉS



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