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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Eine Party in einem Mietshaus in der Lenox Avenue, Harlem, 1926: Die schwarzen Bewohner lassen sich mitreißen vom Hoffnungsrhythmus der Zeit, des "Jazz Age". Plötzlich ein Schuß - die sahnefarbene achtzehnjährige Schönheit Dorcas liegt tot in ihrem Blut. Der Mörder: Joe Spur, fünfzig, ihr Geliebter. Kein Wort davon zur Polizei - mehr als den Tod fürchtet man das "weiße" Gesetz. Vielmehr entsteht eine sonderbare Freundschaft zwischen Joes Frau Violet und der Adoptivmutter der Toten, eine Ehe lebt auf ... Ein erstaunlicher Roman über den düsteren Glanz der Leidenschaft.

    Idioma: ALEMÁN

  • Todavía no ha sido valorado

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Todavía no ha sido valorado

    Idioma: CASTELLANO

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: CASTELLANO

  • It is winter, barely three days into 1926, seven years after Armistice; we are in the scintillating City, around Lenox Avenue, 'when all the wars are over and there will never be another one.At last, at last, everything's ahead.Here comes the new. Look out. There goes the sad stuff. The bad stuff. The things nobody-could-help stuff.' But amid the euphoric decisiveness, a tragedy ensues among people who had train-danced into the City, from points south and west, in search of a promise.Joe Trace, door -to-door salesman, erstwhile devoted husband, shoots to death his lover of three months, the impetuous, eighteen year old Dorcas. At the funeral his determined, hard-working wife Violet tries to disfigure the corpse with a knife.In a dazzling act of jazz-like improvisation, moving seamlessly in and out of past, present and future, a mysterious voice weaves this brilliant fiction, at the same time showing how its blues are informed by the brutal exigencies of slavery. Richly combining history, legend and reminiscence, this voice captures as never before the ineffable mood, the complex humanity of black urban life at a moment in our century we assumed we understood.Jazz is an unprecedented and astonishing invention, a landmark on the American literary landscape - a novel unforgettable and for all time.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Barcelona. 1993 Círculo de Lectores. 22x14,5. 275p.

    Idioma: CASTELLANO



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