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  • Portada de LORD OF THE FLIES


  • Portada de LORD OF THE FLIES


  • Portada de LORD OF THE FLIES


  • Portada de LORD OF THE FLIES


  • Portada de LORD OF THE FLIES


  • Portada de LORD OF THE FLIES


  • Portada de LORD OF THE FLIES


  • Portada de LORD OF THE FLIES


  • Portada de LORD OF THE FLIES


  • Portada de LORD OF THE FLIES


  • Portada de LORD OF THE FLIES


  • Portada de LORD OF THE FLIES


  • Portada de LORD OF THE FLIES


  • Portada de LORD OF THE FLIES


  • Portada de LORD OF THE FLIES


  • Portada de LORD OF THE FLIES


  • Portada de LORD OF THE FLIES


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • A plane crashes on a desert island and the only survivors, a group of schoolboys, assemble on the beach and wait to be rescued. By day they inhabit a land of bright fantastic birds and dark blue seas, but at night their dreams are haunted by the image of a terrifying beast.
    A plane crashes on a desert island and the only survivors, a group of schoolboys, assemble on the beach and wait to be rescued. By day they inhabit a land of bright fantastic birds and dark blue seas, but at night their dreams are haunted by the image of a terrifying beast. As the boys' delicate sense of order fades, so their childish dreams are transformed into something more primitive, and their behaviour starts to take on a murderous, savage significance. First published in 1954, "Lord of the Flies" is one of the most celebrated and widely read of modern classics.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • A plane crashes on a desert island and the only survivors, a group of schoolboys, assemble on the beach and wait to be rescued. By day they inhabit a land of bright fantastic birds and dark blue seas, but at night their dreams are haunted by the image of a terrifying beast. As the boys' delicate sense of order fades, so their childish dreams are transformed into something more primitive, and their behaviour starts to take on a murderous, savage significance. First published in 1954, Lord of the Flies is one of the most celebrated and widely read of modern classics.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Golding's best-known novel is the story of a group of boys who, after a plane crash, set up a fragile community on a previously uninhabited island. As memories of home recede and the blood from frenzied pig-hunts arouses them, the boys' childish fear turns into something deeper and more primitive.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • In this now-classic tale--a terrifying variation on the traditional boys` adventure story--the brutal behavior of a group of English schoolboys left stranded on a deserted island after an atomic war is an allegory for the defects of society.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Golding's best-known novel is the story of a group of boys who, after a plane crash, set up a fragile community on a previously uninhabited island. As memories of home recede and the blood from frenzied pig-hunts arouses them, the boys' childish fear turns into something deeper and more primitive.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

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    Idioma: INGLÉS

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    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • At first it seems as though it is all going to be great fun; but the fun before long becomes furious and life on the island turns into a nightmare of panic and death. As ordinary standards of behaviour collapse, the whole world the boys know collapses with them - the world of cricket and homework and adventure stories - and another world is revealed beneath, primitive and terrible.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

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    Idioma: INGLÉS

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    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: ALEMÁN

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    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: ALEMÁN

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    Idioma: INGLÉS

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    Idioma: INGLÉS

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    Idioma: CASTELLANO

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    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Created and edited by Justin Kestler and Ben Florman, SparkNotes Literature Guides provide analysis of (currently) 175 classic works of English and foreign language literature - novels, biographies, plays and poetry - that most commonly appear on examination syllabuses. These books provide the insights that today's students need to know.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

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    Idioma: INGLÉS

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    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: INGLÉS

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    Idioma: CASTELLANO



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