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  • Portada de ONE NIGHT OF SIN


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Renowned storyteller Gaelen Foley unfurls the seductive tale of the rakish Lord Alec Knight, who never looked for love-until it was right in front of him. . . .
    Lord Alec Knight, the most daring and handsome rogue in all of London, is a smooth-talking aristocrat with an abundance of high-society lady admirers. With his irresistible wit, lucky hand at the gaming tables, and enticing charisma, he can have any woman he wants. But when the only girl he would have considered marrying ties the knot with someone else, Alec realizes he doesn't want to be with just any lady-he wants to find the love of his life.
    The boldly spirited, beautiful Miss Becky Ward takes his life by storm after he rescues her from peril. Alec soon learns that she is on the run from her cousin, the murderous Prince Mikhail Kurkov. Becky has uncovered a menacing secret about the prince-now nothing will stop him from hunting her down. In the midst of danger, Alec and Becky find themselves deeply drawn to each other. After the two spend an all-consuming night of sin, Becky's knight in shining armor vows on his honor to protect her until the end. But before long, Alec is protecting her with more than honor-and it seems the once untamed rake of London just may have found what he has been searching for all along . . . true love.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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