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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Josie Hillman needs escape the dreams that haunt her sleep and finally begin to live a life free of the past. To do that she must go back to the place where she saw her father murdered on her eighth birthday. She must risk unblocking the memories that her mind buried has to protect her.
    Now at age twenty five Josie (Jo) is going back to the abandoned family home she has inherited. She desperately wants to unlock her memories and free herself from the dreams that have plagued her since that fateful day.
    Soon Jo will discover that the killer is still here and he still wants her. With the discovery of her mother’s journals she finds that the killer terrorized her mother and her mother ran to protect herself and her children.
    Now he is stalking Jo planning to finish what he started nearly eighteen years ago. Through it all she finds friendship with her Elderly neighbor Ellie. She also finds love with Ellie’s handsome nephew Aaron.
    Together the three will face the past that hurt them all and hope to find out what happened before he comes for Jo again.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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