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Sinópsis del libro:

  • "All I need is her name on the cover to make me buy the book."Linda Howard "Coulter and Quick, look out!" Affaire de Coeur Stephanie Laurens lives in Victoria, Australia.Demon Cynster has seen love bring his brethren to their knees, and he's vowed that he will not share their fate until he spies Felicity Parteger sneaking around his country estate. Demon remembers Felicity as a mere chit of a girl, but now she stands before him-begging for his help-all lush curves, sparkling eyes and so temptingly worthy of the love he's vowed never to surrender to any woman. Felicity knew Demon was one of the town's most eligible bachelors and a rogue of the worst sort, but he was the only one capable of getting her friend out of trouble. Her fascination with him had nothing to do with the power lurking just beneath his devil-may-care facade - or with the desire that flares when he takes her in his arms. She knows he'll never yield her the love she desperately seeks, but could a marriage with passion alone - even with a man like Demon - be enough?

    Idioma: CASTELLANO



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