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Sinópsis del libro:

  • As a child, London Danvers was kidnapped from her wealthy family. Over the years, many women have come forward claiming to be the long-lost heiress - only to be exposed as frauds. Now, another woman has arrived in Oregon, claiming to be London. But Adria Nash is different. She knows personal details only London could have known, yet she can't remember what happened the night of her abduction - a fact that makes family rebel Zachary Danvers suspicious. Still, Adria is determined to prove her identity...there's a paralysing sense of dread she just can't shake. And she's right to be afraid - because someone does believe her. Someone who is watching Adria's every move. Waiting for the right moment to see how she runs...see how she screams...see how she dies.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Dear Reader: There's something special about your first novel, and See How She Dies is no exception. It was my first romantic suspense, originally published in 1994 under the title Treasures. I love these characters and their story, but still, looking back, I felt I hadn't quite finished. I've learned so much since then that I wanted another crack at it. So I've added more suspense, intrigue, and atmosphere. Now, it feels like a brand-new book. As a child, London Danvers was kidnapped from her wealthy family. Over the years, many women have come forward claiming to be the long-lost heiress--only to be exposed as frauds. Now, another woman has arrived in Oregon, claiming to be London. But Adria Nash is different. She knows personal details only London could have known, yet she can't remember what happened the night of her abduction--a fact that makes family rebel Zachary Danvers suspicious. Still, Adria is determined to prove her identity. . .there's a paralyzing sense of d...

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR



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