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Sinópsis del libro:

  • A place you will never forget

    Rosemunde Pilcher's Scotland...where the fields flourish with greenery, the bills bloom with purple, and the lochs glitter with the bright blue of the sky.

    A time you will never forget

    September...when the heather is in full flower, the first chill of autumn cools the air, and the countryside stirs with the hunt b alls, dinner parties, and dance.

    A novel you will never forget

    Rosamunde Pilcher's September...a story of homecomings and heartbreaks, friendships, betrayls, forgiveness, and love. From the author of the classic multimillion-copy bestseller The Shell Seeker, it is a book you will fall in love with...

    A main selection of the Literary Guild and the Doubleday Book Club

    The author of The Shell Seekers brings characters from all over the world to the little town of Strathcroy, Scotland, for an extraordinary birthday party. A heartwarming story of family joys and sorrows. Six months on the New York Times bestseller list.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • "Dieser Garten, der Fluß, die Hügel in der Ferne - die Sonne schien heute nicht, es war ein bedeckter Herbsttag, aber er war wunderschön. Alles um sie herum war schön. Niemals würde sie müde werden, das alles zu lieben. Niemals würde sie müde werden, das Leben zu lieben."

    Idioma: ALEMÁN

  • As spring comes to Scotland and the hills burst into life, a dance is planned for September. The invitations summon home the group of people Violet Aird has cared for most in her long life. Far from them all is Pandora, the glamorous, exciting girl who ran away twenty years before. All will converge on Scotland this September.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • As spring comes to Scotland, a dance is planned for September. This summons home the group of people Violet Aird has cared for most in her long life, including Alexa, Violet's granddaughter, Edmund and Virginia, driven apart by the decision of sending their son to school and Pandora, the glamorous, exciting girl who ran away twenty years before.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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