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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Bestselling author Jeffrey Archer returns with a powerful tale of twins separated by fate and reunited by desitiny. It is Hartford, Connecticut, in the late 1940's, and a set of twins is separated at birth by a desperate nurse. Nat Cartwright goes home with his parents, a schoolteacher and an insurance salesman. But his twin brother is to begin his days as Fletcher Andrew Davenport, son of a wealthy CEO and his society wife. During the years that follow, the two brothers grow up unaware of each other's existence. Nat leaves college at the University of Connecticut to serve in Vietnam. Returning a war hero, he finishes school and goes on to become a successful bank executive. Fletcher, meanwhile, has graduated from Yale University and distinguishes himself as a criminal defense lawyer before he is elected a senator. As their lives unfold, both men are confronted with tragedy and betrayal, loss and hardship, all the time overcoming life's obstacles to become the men they are destined to be.In the tradition of Jeffrey Archer's most popular books, SONS OF FORTUNE is as much a chronicle of a nation in transition as it is the story of the making of these two men - and how, eventually, they come to find each other...

    Idioma: INGLÉS

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    Idioma: INGLÉS

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    Idioma: INGLÉS

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    Idioma: CASTELLANO

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: CASTELLANO

  • Bestselling author Jeffrey Archer returns with a powerful tale of twins separated by fate and reunited by desitiny. It is Hartford, Connecticut, in the late 1940's, and a set of twins is separated at birth by a desperate nurse. Nat Cartwright goes home with his parents, a schoolteacher and an insurance salesman. But his twin brother is to begin his days as Fletcher Andrew Davenport, son of a wealthy CEO and his society wife. During the years that follow, the two brothers grow up unaware of each other's existence. Nat leaves college at the University of Connecticut to serve in Vietnam. Returning a war hero, he finishes school and goes on to become a successful bank executive. Fletcher, meanwhile, has graduated from Yale University and distinguishes himself as a criminal defense lawyer before he is elected a senator. As their lives unfold, both men are confronted with tragedy and betrayal, loss and hardship, all the time overcoming life's obstacles to become the men they are destined...

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR



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