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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Richard Rahl has traveled far from his roots as a simple woods guide. Emperor of the D'Haran Empire, war wizard, the Seeker of Truth--none of these roles mean as much to him as his newest: husband to his beloved Kahlan Amnell, Mother Confessor of the Midlands.
    But their wedding day is the key that unlocks a spell sealed away long ago in a faraway country. Now a deadly power pours forth that threatens to turn the world into a lifeless waste.
    Separated from the Sword of Truth and stripped of their magic, Richard and Kahlan must journey across the Midlands to discover a dark secret from the past and a trap that could tear them apart forever. For their fate has become inextricably entwined with that of the Midlands--and there's no place so dangerous as a world without magic...

    Idioma: CASTELLANO

  • In the previous volume of this NEW YORK TIMES bestselling series of fantasy novels, our hero, Richard Rahl, wielder of the Sword of Truth and his lover Kahlan unwittingly released upon the New World a terror from the malign and wild magic of the Old World. The Chimes now run free in the Midlands and Richard and Kahlan, powerful in their own right, begin to see their own magic undermined, leaving the people of the New World vulnerable to the encroaching evil that Darken Rahl first unleashed in WIZARD'S FIRST RULE.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Seeker of Truth Richard Rahl and Mother Confessor Kahlan Amnell must confront the Chimes, a magical force that they accidentally unleashed, before the Chimes can destroy them and ravage all of D'Hara.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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