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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Twoflower was a tourist, the first ever seen on the Discworld. Tourist, Rincewind decided, meant idiot. Somewhere on the frontier between thought and reality exists the Discworld, a parallel time and place which might sound and smell very much like our own, but which looks completely different. It plays by different rules. Certainly it refuses to succumb to the quaint notion that universes are ruled by pure logic and the harmony of numbers. But just because the Disc is different doesn't mean that some things don't stay the same. Its very existence is about to be threatened by a strange new blight: the arrival of the first tourist, upon whose survival rests the peace and prosperity of the land. But if the person charged with maintaining that survival in the face of robbers, mercenaries and, well, Death is a spectacularly inept wizard, a little logic might turn out to be a very good idea..."The Colour of Magic" is the first novel in Terry Pratchett's acclaimed Discworld series, which has become one of the most popular and celebrated sequences in English literature.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • The Discworld is flat, and rides through space on the backs of Berilia, Tubul, Great P'Thon and Jerakeen, the four elephants who stand in turn on the back of Great A'Tuin, the giant turtle. And this is where it all starts, with the naive tourist Twoflower and his incompetent and cynical guide, the wizard Rincewind, forced to flee from the proud and pestilent twin city of Ankh-Morpork. When they meet the barbarian thieves Bravd and Weasel, things that are already bad turn inevitably to the worst ...This is the second of Terry Pratchett's Discworld movies for SKY ONE, made by the team who brought THE HOGFATHER to you and featuring The Discworld Players, an ensemble cast including Sir David Jason as Rincewind.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: CASTELLANO

  • On a world supported on the back of a giant turtle (sex unknown), a gleeful, explosive, wickedly eccentric expedition sets out. There's an avaricious but inept wizard, a naïve tourist whose luggage moves on hundreds of dear little legs, dragons who only exist if you believe in them, and of course THE EDGE of the planet...

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • In the beginning there was.a turtle. Somewhere on the frontier between thought and reality exists the Discworld, a parallel time and place which might sound and smell very much like our own, but which looks completely different. Particularly as it's carried though space on the back of a giant turtle (sex unknown). It plays by different rules. But then, some things are the same everywhere. The Disc's very existence is about to be threatened by a strange new blight: the world's first tourist, upon whose survival rests the peace and prosperity of the land. Unfortunately, the person charged with maintaining that survival in the face of robbers, mercenaries and, well, Death, is a spectacularly inept wizard.

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR



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