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  • Portada de THE GODS TRILOGY


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • The Discworld is, as everyone knows, and no one should now need to be told, flat. It rides through space on the back of four elephants* which, in turn, are standing on the shell of an enormous turtle. But just because it is being borne through space on the back of a turtle, doesn't mean it doesn't need gods ...The Gods Trilogy is a bumper volume containing the complete text of three of Terry Pratchett's celebrated novels: SMALL GODS Brutha is the Chosen One. His god has spoken to him, admittedly while currently in the shape of a tortoise; and Brutha now has a mission. PYRAMIDS It isn't easy, being a teenage pharaoh: you're not allowed to carry money; uninhibited young women peel grapes for you and the Great Pyramid has just exploded because of paracosmic instability ...HOGFATHER It's the night before Hogswatch ...and it's too quiet. There's snow, there're robins, there're trees covered with decorations, but there's a notable lack of the big fat man who delivers the toys ...He's gone. *There used to be five, but that's another story entirely

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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