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  • Portada de THE HUSBAND


  • Portada de THE HUSBAND


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Mitch Rafferty has just sixty hours to save his wife. A suspense novel -- and love story -- from one of the most acclaimed and popular authors of modern times. What would you do for love? Would you die? Would you kill? Landscape gardener Mitchell Rafferty was busy planting beds of impatiens for one of his clients when his phone rang. It was a voice he didn't know. 'We have your wife. You can get her back for two million cash.' Now he's standing in a normal suburban neighbourhood on a bright summer day having a phone conversation out of his darkest nightmare. Mitch thinks it must be some kind of a joke. But whoever is on the other end of the line is dead serious. 'See that guy across the street?' Rifle fire shatters the stilllness as the man goes down, shot in the head. 'An object lesson.' The caller doesn't care that Mitch has no way of raising such a vast sum. He's confident that Mitch will find a way. 'If he loves his wife enough.' Mitch does love her enough. He's got sixty hours to prove it. He'll pay anything. He'll pay a lot more than two million dollars.A story of love, tenacity and courage with the pace of a runaway train, from its tense opening to its shattering climax, 'The Husband' is a thriller that holds the reader in its relentless grip.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • With each and every new novel, Dean Koontz raises the stakes—and the pulse rate—higher than any other author. Now, in what may be his most suspenseful and heartfelt novel ever, he brings us the story of an ordinary man whose extraordinary commitment to his wife will take him on a harrowing journey of adventure, sacrifice, and redemption to the mystery of love itself—and to a showdown with the darkness that would destroy it forever.
    What would you do for love? Would you die? Would you kill?
    We have your wife. You can get her back for two million cash. Landscaper Mitchell Rafferty thinks it must be some kind of joke. He was in the middle of planting impatiens in the yard of one of his clients when his cell phone rang. Now he’s standing in a normal suburban neighborhood on a bright summer day, having a phone conversation out of his darkest nightmare.
    Whoever is on the other end of the line is dead serious. He has Mitch’s wife and he’s named the price for her safe return. The caller doesn’t care that Mitch runs a small two-man landscaping operation and has no way of raising such a vast sum. He’s confident that Mitch will find a way. (...)

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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