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  • Portada de THE IPAD 2 PROJECT BOOK


  • Portada de THE IPAD 2 PROJECT BOOK


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Bridging the gap between the palm-sized iPod touch and a full-sized computer, Apple's iPad 2 offers enough screen area and horsepower to perform the day-to-day tasks most people want to do. Packed with practical knowledge, this book will walk readers through how to manage their most common projects, from the simple (setting up a calendar event) to the complex (planning a vacation) and everything in between. Readers will learn to use the iPad 2 tools and applications by using them to create practical real-world projects and to master everyday tasks.

    In this practical hands-on guide, youÂ?ll learn how to

    • Organize a party: Set up the calendar event, create invitations, invite attendees, and mail out the invites.
    • Build a recipe scrapbook: Write up recipes in Pages (or find recipes via one of the useful recipe apps) and import pictures of the finished dish to go with the recipe in the book. Even learn iPad kitchen tips!
    • Plan a vacation: Buy tickets, find destination activities, and map out directions.
    • Watch videos: Stream videos with Air Video, convert high-quality movies from DVDs, and buy or rent videos from the iTunes Store.
    • Get smart: Learn another language with one of the many translation apps available, and build an illustrated deck of flash cards with common words and phrases.
    Plus many more useful projectsÂ?both big and smallÂ? to help you do stuff with your iPad.

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR

  • Using your iPad is not a passive activity. With its stunning touchscreen, front and back cameras, and sweeping collection of apps, the iPad 2 is perfect for doing stuff--for building, creating, and organizing. Want to plan an event? Manage your mail and calendars? Capture and edit a video? Even build a wiki? You can do all that and more with your iPad. In this practical hands-on guide, you'll learn how to: Build a recipe scrapbook: Write up recipes in Pages (or find recipes using one of the useful recipe apps) and import pictures of the dish to go with the recipe in your scrapbook. Even learn iPad kitchen tips! Plan a vacation: Buy tickets, find destination activities, and map out directions. Master your media: Stream videos with AirPlay, buy or rent videos from the iTunes Store, compose and record a song, and edit your own movie. Get smarter: Learn another language by using Google's Translate page and building an illustrated deck of flash cards with common words and phrases. ...

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR



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