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    Idioma: INGLÉS

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    Idioma: INGLÉS

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    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR

  • The stunning new novel from the bestselling author of Girl with a Pearl Earring - this eBook features exclusive extra content by the author. When modest Quaker Honor Bright sails from Bristol with her sister, she is fleeing heartache for a new life in America, far from home. But tragedy leaves her alone and vulnerable, torn between two worlds and dependent on the kindness of strangers. Life in 1850s Ohio is precarious and unsentimental. The sun is too hot, the thunderstorms too violent, the snow too deep. The roads are spattered with mud and spit. The woods are home to skunks and porcupines and raccoons. They also shelter slaves escaping north to freedom. Should Honor hide runaways from the ruthless men who hunt them down? The Quaker community she has joined may oppose slavery in principle, but does it have the courage to help her defy the law? As she struggles to find her place and her voice, Honor must decide what she is willing to risk for her beliefs. Set in the tangled forests...

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR

  • A powerful journey brimming with color and drama, "The Last Runaway" is "New York Times" bestselling author Tracy Chevalier's vivid exploration of an iconic chapter in American history. Ohio 1850. For a modest English Quaker stranded far from home, life is a trial. Untethered from the moment she leaves England, fleeing personal disappointment, Honor Bright is forced by family tragedy to rely on strangers in an alien, untamed landscape. Drawn into the clandestine activities of the Underground Railroad, a network helping runaway slaves escape to freedom, Honor befriends two exceptional people who embody the startling power of defiance. Eventually she must decide if she too can act on what she believes in, whatever the personal cost. Like Sue Monk Kidd's "The Invention of Wings," Chevalier's novel is a sweeping and important novel about the power of bravery, friendship, and perseverance.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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