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  • Portada de THE LUGANO REPORT


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • "In this satire, a summit on preserving the capitalist order comes to some disturbing conclusions as it follows the logic of capitalism ad infinitum." -- The Washington Post"With acid wit and somber truths, "The Lugano Report" brilliantly portrays, through the eyes of its imagined but all too realistic planners, a world that may be heading for deep trouble." -- Noam Chomsky"A brilliant, terrifying book which should be on the beside table of every policy maker in the West." -- Victoria Brittain"Susan George's intimate knowledge of the bureaucratic mindset means that the book works superbly as a satire" following the example of Swift's Modest Proposal" but her greater aim is to show that there are viable alternatives to this nightmare." -- New InternationalistThis is a new edition of Susan George's acclaimed satire on capitalism. Fictional experts recruited by world leaders to discuss the future of global capitalism provide their assessment of the dire state of the current economy and put forward new ideas for ensuring the survival of the system. But at what cost? Susan George provides a brilliant and chilling vision of the way the winners in the globalisation game profit from poverty and reveals, with relentless logic, the dark future that lies ahead under capitalism.This new edition features a new introduction from the author.

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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