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Sinópsis del libro:

  • This 10th Harry Bosch novel links the retired LA cop with characters from previous non-Bosch novels. A serial killer and ex-FBI agent named Robert Backus, the title character from Michael Connelly's first novel, THE POET, was commonly thought to be dead. But now the Poet has resurfaced and has started killing again. At risk is FBI agent Rachel Walling, a former protégé of Backus who subsequently investigated his first killing spree. As she begins a new hunt for the Poet, her path crosses that of Harry Bosch, who believes that the natural-seeming death of a friend, Terry McCaleb (a character from Connelly's BLOOD WORK and A DARKNESS MORE THAN NIGHT), may actually have been one of the Poet's murders.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • This 10th Harry Bosch novel links the retired LA cop with characters from previous non-Bosch novels. A serial killer and ex-FBI agent named Robert Backus, the title character from Michael Connelly's first novel, THE POET, was commonly thought to be dead. But now the Poet has resurfaced and has started killing again. At risk is FBI agent Rachel Walling, a former protégé of Backus who subsequently investigated his first killing spree. As she begins a new hunt for the Poet, her path crosses that of Harry Bosch, who believes that the natural-seeming death of a friend, Terry McCaleb (a character from Connelly's BLOOD WORK and A DARKNESS MORE THAN NIGHT), may actually have been one of the Poet's murders.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Former FBI agent Rachel Walling is working a dead-end stint in South Dakota when she gets the call she's been dreading for four years. The Poet is back. And he has not forgotten Rachel. He has a special present for her.

    Harry Bosch is adjusting to life in Las Vegas as a private investigator and as a new father. He gets a call, too, from the widow of a friend who died recently. Previously in his FBI career, the friend worked on the famous case tracking the killer known as The Poet. This fact alone makes some of the elements of his death doubly suspicious.

    And Harry Bosch is heading straight into the path of the most ruthless and inventive murderer he has ever encountered...

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Former FBI agent Rachel Walling is working a dead-end stint in South Dakota when she gets the call she's been dreading for four years. The Poet is back. And he has not forgotten Rachel. He has a special present for her. Harry Bosch is adjusting to life in Las Vegas as a private investigator and as a new father. He gets a call, too, from the widow of a friend who died recently. Previously in his FBI career, the friend worked on the famous case tracking the killer known as The Poet. This fact alone makes some of the elements of his death doubly suspicious. And Harry Bosch is heading straight into the path of the most ruthless and inventive murderer he has ever encountered...

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Sinópsis no disponible

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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