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  • Portada de THE SUBTLE KNIFE


  • Portada de THE SUBTLE KNIFE


  • Portada de THE SUBTLE KNIFE


  • Portada de THE SUBTLE KNIFE


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Lyra and Will both leave their own worlds and meet in the eerie city of Cittagazze, where they must find a secret and terrible weapon on which the fate of many more worlds rests. An opportunity for new readers and collectors alike to enjoy Philip Pullman's modern masterpiece, with eye-catching covers featuring images from The Golden Compass movie.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • In this second installment of the His Dark Materials trilogy, Lyra and her friend Will travel to a strange, tropical otherworld known as Cittagazze, a place devoid of adults, where children run wild. As Lyra and Will's lives become more and more entwined, Lyra's alethiometer commands her to find Will's father, and the search brings her and Will closer to the Subtle Knife, a magical tool that cuts windows between worlds. Inspired by John Milton's PARADISE LOST, this trilogy begins with THE GOLDEN COMPASS and concludes with THE AMBER SPYGLASS.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • In this second installment of the His Dark Materials trilogy, Lyra and her friend Will travel to a strange, tropical otherworld known as Cittagazze, a place devoid of adults, where children run wild. As Lyra and Will's lives become more and more entwined, Lyra's alethiometer commands her to find Will's father, and the searc...

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR

  • Book by Pullman Philip

    Idioma: CASTELLANO



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