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  • Portada de THE ZAHIR


  • Portada de THE ZAHIR


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Brazilian writer Paulo Coehlo meditates on love and self-realization in this semi-autobiographical work. The story begins when a successful novelist living in Paris returns home from an adulterous rendezvous only to discover that his wife, Esther, an award-winning war correspondent, has vanished without a trace, possibly in the company of a mysterious translator with the code name Mikhail. Some time later, Mikhail reappears and sends the protagonist, now consumed with thoughts of his wife and her fate, on a spiritual quest that eventually leads him to Mikhail's homeland of Kazakhstan.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Brazilian writer Paulo Coehlo meditates on love and self-realization in this semi-autobiographical work. The story begins when a successful novelist living in Paris returns home from an adulterous rendezvous only to discover that his wife, Esther, an award-winning war correspondent, has vanished without a trace, possibly in the company of a mysterious translator with the code name Mikhail. Some time later, Mikhail reappears and sends the protagonist, now consumed with thoughts of his wife and her fate, on a spiritual quest that eventually leads him to Mikhail's homeland of Kazakhstan.

    Idioma: INGLÉS

  • Set in Paris and in the enchanting landscape of central Asia, this new novel by the author of the international bestsellers The Alchemist and Eleven Minutes follows the journey of a man obsessed with finding the wife who left him without an explanation. The narrator of The Zahir is a bestselling novelist who lives in Paris ...

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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