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  • Portada de WHIM


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Sinópsis del libro:

  • WHIMOne of the great comic novels of the decade, (WHIM) is pure delight, a book with a smile built into just about every line.--Peter Tennant, reviewing all Luke’sbooks in The Third Alternative.WHIM tells the story of a very Magical Indian boy who finds that he has been sent to earth by his Father Lord Chance to discover the Big U.T.—ultimate truth. As a high school football star just discovering sex, Whim is distracted from his quest by being in love with the brainy, sexy but very moral Dawn, and also by his rival Billy Best, who wants to discover u.t. so he can market it and make a bundle. The novel is filled with Zen-like encounters between Whim and his Montauk mentor Grain-of-Sand; Narsufin, the great black Sufi sage famous for his hook shot; and the Abominable Snowman Sage of the Himalayas. In the end Whim finds his u.t., saves the Montauk nation, and wins the heart (and all other bodily parts) of his beloved Dawn.“One of my favorite reads of the year,”“Ingenious, hilarious,”“...

    Idioma: SIN DEFINIR



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