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Sinópsis del libro:

  • Winning Virgin Love [Siren Menage Amour #13: Erotic Romance, Menage a Quatre, F/M/M/M with M/M play] It's time for another vampire bride and three sexy-hot rogues are ready to give one beautiful vixen an erotic ceremony she'll never forget. Almonzo Spenser's lifemate is living under his roof. Not only is Tabitha pure hell in a short skirt but she also has some very dangerous secrets. Almonzo isn't surprised when he finally discovers the woman he's chosen for his life partner has a deep connection with a very dangerous clan of vampires. Darian Sabbat is a vampire with mobster connections. He's created a designer drug that will completely wipe away generations of vampires using the blood of one of their own. To make matters worse, Darian will be permitted to become a part of the menage a quatre ceremony that includes one of his most hated enemies and the lovely Tabitha whom he desperately wants to take and mark as his own. *** "When Winning Virgin Blood reached an appropriate end, Winning Virgin Love was ready to begin. Thirty thousand words into the manuscript, the story for Winning Virgin Lust just seemed to unfold. I hope you enjoy reading the Winning Virgin Series and will follow this series through to the end-there's a lot of Spenser-tales left to write!" ~ Destiny Blaine ~ *** 5 Pixies: "If I wasn't already in lust with the way Destiny Blaine writes, I would have been by the time I finished WINNING VIRGIN LOVE. The way she writes her characters makes it seem as though you are in each of their heads along with them. The sex scenes were incredibly hot and very explicit. The Spenser males have a very healthy sex drive with their mates. The ceremony with the seconds was incredibly hot. You had not one but three men paying extra special attention to Tabitha, with each male taking turns to worship her with their cocks, mouths and hands. The males spanked, tasted, pinched, licked, kissed, sucked, and rubbed her all over. The scenes with Almonzo and Tabitha were beautifully written and you could tell how deeply Almonzo felt for her. I am looking forward to starting the third book in the series, WINNING VIRGIN LUST." -- Katie, Dark Angel Reviews

    Idioma: INGLÉS



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